Still a No Name Composition for 4 pianos (November 2020)
a composition wrote for my old friend Ing. Oliver Csémy – architect and painter.
I performed it on his vernissage in Komárom – Sk.
Violinkonzert WAM 2006
composed for Benjamin Schmid in 2006, on the 250th anniversary of W. A. Mozart
Part 1. selection
Part 3.
a multitrack synthesizer composition from 1988
Forgotten Bossa nova
The first recording of this well-known bossa from 1992 with Juraj Bartoš – tr,
Juraj Griglák – bs, Cyril Zelenák – dr
Forgotten Movie
Soundtrack from Mátyás Prikler’s movie : Következő felvonás ( A Following Act)
a free version of Miki Skuta’s “Forgotten bossa nova”
Music for BS
composition wrote for Benjamin Schmid
this version with synth and violine
live from the festival “Konvergencie” – Bratislava
inspired by Meredith Monk’s CD ( ECM) cover “Book of Days”
with an amazing improvisation from B. Schmid
Two songs composed for Kaszás Attila ( 1960 – 2007 )
…. he was a Slovakian-born Hungarian actor, singer.
The songs are part of Attila’s CD “Tomboló hold” BMG-Ariola
Úgy néztél rám tegnap
Praeludium for Piano and Prepared Piano
Azt hallottam jó Galambom – Hungarian Folk Song
Korpás Éva – vocal / Miki Skuta – arrangement, programming